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Millar Western’s Public Advisory Committee (PAC) seeking new members

In 2007, Millar Western merged separate mill and forest consultation committes to form its Public Advisory Committee (PAC).  Since then, PAC has provided an important forum for exchanging information with stakeholders.  Committee members have toured mill and forestry operations, heard presentations from experts in topics ranging from water quality to environmental certification, and regularly reviewed the company’s plans and performance.

Millar Western is seeking interested stakeholders representing the education, recreation and oil & gas sectors to serve on its PAC.  Members meet about four times a year in Whitecourt, Alberta.  The independently facilitated meetings are usually held on Tuesday afternoons, from 4:00 to 6:30 pm.  Travel costs will be reimbursed at the corporate mileage rate. 

If you have an interest in sustainable development of forest resources, and a little time to spare, then consider joining Millar Western’s PAC.  To apply, send a brief bio or resume and your contact information to  To learn more, call Corporate Communications at 780-486-8270.

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