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Millar Western assists with Forest Capital of Canada tree-planting blitz


What does a four year-old have in common with a bunch of post-secondary students and instructors, a seasoned silviculturalist, some government foresters and an accountant? They all love trees and playing in the dirt! As part of this year’s Forest Capital of Canada events, a recent tree-planting blitz saw 4200 seedlings planted in a single day, at a location near Whitecourt. Millar Western provided staff resources and funds to the event, which served both to green up the site of a future community recreation area and as a fundraiser for University of Alberta Forestry and NAIT Forest Technologies student activities. Thanks go to Millar Western Silviculture Supervisor Brent Huizinga, who helped organize the event and also brought along the cutest planter (his son), and to Jay Patel from our Accounting Department in Edmonton, who showed her enthusiasm by travelling out to the tree-plant, then proved her might by sticking to it, from the beginning of a good, hard day’s work to the end!


Click here for a slideshow from the day’s plant