Helping to keep spirits bright and communities strong
Millar Western works to support healthy communities throughout the year, but the holidays are special: a time to offer support where needed and share where we can. Today, Dale Holloway, Bruce Budgell and Jane Lockinger represented our Whitecourt Pulp Mill to present a donation of $10,000 to the Whitecourt Food Bank, one contribution among the $65,000 we gave this month to groups ranging from Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation, Edmonton and Whitecourt food banks, Alexander First Nation Christmas hamper program, Tennille’s Hope, Soaring Eagle Support Society, Whitecourt Christmas Hamper, United Way, University Hospital Foundation, and others. Some of those in-kind contributions included Christmas turkeys given by the company to employees, who have gave them in turn to people in greater need.
We thank all Millar Western people for the hard work that made these donations possible, and for the generosity and community spirit they show each year. And from everyone at Millar Western to all our friends and neighbours, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and best wishes for a safe and healthy 2023!