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Community celebrates as Whitecourt named Forest Capital of Canada


Saturday, May 11, 2013, marked the official naming of the Town of Whitecourt and Woodlands County as this year’s Forest Capital of Canada — an event aimed at focusing attention on the valuable role forests play in the environmental, social and economic health of communities across the country. The naming ceremony was held during the Whitecourt Trade Fair, where members of the public, federal, provincial, town and county government officials, industry and association representatives and media gathered to recognize the honour.

In her remarks, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Minister Diana McQueen emphasized the importance of healthy forests, sustainable forest management and a strong forest sector. MP Rob Merrifield and MLA George VanderBurg spoke about the forest industry’s long history in the community, while Mayors Trevor Thain of Whitecourt and Jim Rennie of Woodlands County commented on its vital current role, contrasting the boom-and-bust cycle of other sectors with the stable employment and economic activity brought by local forest companies Millar Western, ANC and Blue Ridge Lumber. Speaking on behalf of his industry colleagues, Millar Western Forest Products Ltd. President and CEO Craig Armstrong congratulated the residents of Whitecourt and Woodlands County on the honour, noting that the Forest Capital of Canada designation reflected their close connection to the forest and strong support for responsible, renewable resource development.

Featured in the photo above from left to right: Jim Rennie, Craig Armstrong, Mayor Leora MacKinnon of Fox Creek, Rob Merrifield, Trevor Thain, Hon. Diana McQueen, Hon. George VanderBurg, and MLA Everett McDonald.