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Boyle Wood Products Division hits safety milestone

Sometimes, the score you’re fighting for is zero.

On June 18, Millar Western’s Boyle Wood Products Division marked a full year of operation without a single lost-time incident, or LTI. This major milestone on the site’s “Quest for Zero” was celebrated on June 21 at a barbecue lunch for all staff.

Joining other managers and supervisors on the grill line, Operations Manager Dave Wall and Health & Safety Manager Len Bourdin thanked employees for their dedication. “Keeping our workplace safe requires the care and attention of the whole team,” said Dave, and “our people have clearly put outstanding effort into maintaining the right focus.”

Len emphasized that, while important, safety data like incident reports are considered lagging indicators, in that they highlight issues after the fact. “Our employees and supervisors are doing a superb job of homing in on the leading indicators – the observations, inspections, audits and safety meetings that are helping us reduce our LTIs and medical aids.”

Boyle employees are now focused on the next target on their journey to zero. If all continues to run to plan over the next few months, they can look forward to the passing of a full year since Boyle’s last reportable incident – a medical aid event that occurred on September 28, 2009.