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Forest sector a bright spot in Alberta economy

The Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA) reported that its members generated revenues last year of more than $3 billion year, up more than 5 per cent from 2014.  The AFPA said the sector’s strength was based on diversification of products and markets and investments in new areas.  “In addition to traditional products, the industry continues to make progress in converting waste streams into green energy and exploring new opportunities in bioproducts,” said AFPA CEO Paul Whittaker.

Media coverage pointed out that growth in forest sector output and employment growth offered relief to communities hit by a sharp downturn in the oil and gas industry.  The Edmonton Journal spoke with AFPA’s Paul Whittaker and with Steve Lord of Millar Western.  “We’ve actually grown the workforce by a couple of thousand people over the last couple of years, said Whittaker.  “Our members have also invested a lot in new technology, new equipment and new processes. We’ve tallied it at about $2.5 billion of new investment over the past few years, so they’re extracting maximum value out of precisely the same amount of harvested timber.”  Lord highlighted the importance of sales to Asian markets. “A higher and higher percentage of our products are going to Asia.  Millar Western, for example, will see more than 50 per cent of our pulp products going to China in 2016.”

For the full story, see:

Gary Lamphier, Edmonton Journal: Alberta’s forest products sector on an upswing 

AFPA news release