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Millar Western Woodlands Summer Student Faron Dyck chosen as Green Dream Intern

Congratulations to new Green Dream Intern Faron Dyck!  Among dozens of applicants from across Canada, the Millar Western summer student is one of only 10 selected as Green Dream Interns for 2016.  Under the Forest Products Association of Canada’s Greenest Workforce program, Faron and his fellow interns will each receive a $1000 scholarship to support their ongoing education, plus an iPad mini or a GoPro to help them blog about their summer adventures in the forest industry.

A student in the NAIT Forest Technology program, Faron is spending his summer as a Roads and Log Haul Assistant in our Woodlands department.  But Faron already has a lifetime of experience in the woods, having grown up in a logging family in La Crete and worked for five years as a logger before deciding to enroll at NAIT and make forestry his permanent career.  Judging by Faron’s first blog post, he’s found the right path.  “The forest was my playground growing up (perhaps not the safest of playgrounds, but La Crete is in its own world) and time spent in the forest has never felt like work,” says Faron. “I find it a privilege to be able to go to work in a place where I feel so at peace.”

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“A big personal bonus to my job is that it allows me to scout out fishing locations.”

Get to know avid angler Faron, maybe find tips on some sweet fishing spots, and learn more about Canada’s Greenest Workforce, at this link.