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Millar Western to welcome two Green Dream Interns in 2014

The Forest Products Assocation of Canada (FPAC) today announced it would launch its second Green Dream Internship Contest, which will award 15 paid internships in the summer of 2014 at forest products companies across Canada, including two with Millar Western’s pulp and woodlands operations in Whitecourt, Alberta. 

First held in 2013, the contest aims to raise awareness among college-aged Canadians of the emerging and diverse career opportunities in the forest products industry, which will be seeking to fill 60,000 positions by 2020. The lucky contest winners will receive a great summer placement and blog about what it’s like to live and work in a forestry-based community. 

In the summer of 2013, Millar Western welcomed three interns under the Green Dream initiatitve:  Patrick Pickard of Alberta, and Connor Vale and Kyle Waterman of Ontario.  Kyle was awarded a runner prize of $700 for his use of multimedia in his blogging entries.

Submissions, which must include a resume, photograph and paragraph explaining why you want to work as an intern, will be accepted starting October 1, 2013.  To learn more about the contest, read the 2013 blogs or find out about exciting careers in Canada’s green and growing forest industry, visit