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Millar Western to hold a recruitment open house in Whitecourt, June 19

Looking for a new career path? Look no further. Millar Western’s Whitecourt lumber operations will be holding a Recruitment Open House at the Whitecourt Forest Interpretive Centre, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm on Wednesday, June 19.

Following a brief company introduction, Millar Western staff will be on hand to conduct on-the-spot interviews. “This is a great chance for people interested in working for our company to learn more about who we are, and about our industry, which is green and growing,” said Human Resources Manager Jane Lockinger. “There are many advantages to working for our company. Besides competitive salaries and a comprehensive benefit package, our employees enjoy a collaborative work environment; the opportunity to work and live in great communities – no commuting or camp living; and a healthy work-life balance.” She added that Millar Western has been expanding: it opened a new sawmill in Fox Creek in late 2011 and is in the process of implementing a new bioenergy project at its Whitecourt pulp mill that is scheduled to start up in early 2014. “With growth comes new opportunities for advancement within our organization,” said Lockinger. “We have been a part of this community for almost a hundred years and see great promise for our industry in the coming years, making this an ideal time to join our company.” She encouraged anyone interested in attending to bring a resume. “We have immediate openings and are looking for qualified candidates to start right away.”

Open House Poster