Mountain pine beetle focus of 2011-12 annual operating plan
Millar Western unveiled its annual operating plan at open houses in Whitecourt, Fox Creek and Swan Hills, Alberta, in early May. Again this year, Millar Western will be concentrating its harvesting efforts in areas known to contain the mountain pine beetle, in compliance with the Alberta government’s Healthy Pine Forest Strategy. This will enable the company to harvest and process healthy mature pine, before it succumbs to the insect’s ravenous appetite, and to help contain the infestation from spreading further eastward. The company will also be actively renewing areas harvested within the last two years, with a plan to plant over 7 million seedlings on 4,600 hectares. Millar Western will also be applying herbicide on 6,600 hectares, to reduce competition from grasses and enhance the survival rate of recently planted seedlings. To view the open house posters, click on the link below. To discuss our plans for the year ahead, contact Planning Superintendent Ken Anderson at 780-778-2221, ext. 2245.