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Millar Western provides City of Edmonton’s Christmas tree

Upholding a company yuletide tradition, Millar Western has harvested a majestic white spruce from the forest near Whitecourt and delivered it to downtown Edmonton for the city’s holiday celebrations. It’s the fifth consecutive year the company has provided the city’s “Tree of Lights,” the centrepiece of seasonal events organized by the Downtown Business Association and made possible by Millar Western, EPCOR and other sponsors.

Felling, loading, delivering and installing the 65-feet-tall tree was a big task, undertaken again this year by Millar Western Wood Procurement Forester Max Matthews and a team that included driver Shawn Prokipchuk of Ron Prokipchuk Trucking Ltd. To maximize safety on the roads, Max and Shawn made the journey from Whitecourt when traffic was light, rolling into downtown Edmonton in the early hours of Sunday, November 8. There, wielding crane and chainsaw, the two manoeuvred the big tree into its stand, ready for securing and decorating by a team from EPCOR.

Since this year’s Holiday Light-Up event, held November 14, the Tree of Lights has been shining brightly, helping Edmonton residents and visitors get ready to celebrate Christmas and other holidays of the season. The tree will remain on display in Churchill Square through January 4, then be salvaged for use in log-home building.

Click the links below to see photos from this year’s Holiday Light-Up event:


“City Hall”
