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Millar Western delivers North America’s largest Christmas tree

In the very early hours of Sunday, November 9, Millar Western forester Max Matthews delivered to Edmonton the tallest Christmas tree ever seen in the city, and perhaps the largest on display this year anywhere in North America. Max finished supervising the tree’s installation in Edmonton’s Churchill Square at 4 am, capping a long day’s work that started around 6 am on Saturday, in a forest near Whitecourt.

This was the fourth year Max and Millar Western had worked with EPCOR, PCL, the Downtown Business Association, the City of Edmonton and other sponsors to provide Edmonton’s “Tree of Lights” for the holiday season. The tree drew thousands of people to the square for the November 15 lighting ceremony, and was featured in TV newscasts across Canada. Click the links below to view a slide show of the tree harvesting and hauling operation, a sample of local TV news coverage, and a company news release providing more details.

TV News Clip
News Release